


Nikola lit PopiÇa y est !!!

Nous avons finalement reçu le premier numéro de Popi ,. revue à laquelle je me suis abonné en octobre 2006 !

C'est un succès instantanné : Nikola se lasse quelquefois très rapidement pendant la lecture d'un petit livre, mais ce numéro de Popi a retenu son attention du début à la fin ... et elle a réclamé que je lui relise plusieurs fois la même histoire. C'est assez stupéfiant merci. :)


Oma said...

Hi Nikola
I called to talk to you today but you were sleeping. Hopefully, we can talk later on when you wake up. I miss you. I waved and waved when you were getting on the plane but you were so busy watching all the people that you did not see me until after I had stopped waving.
When can I see you again. I had the best Christmas for a long time, enjoying you and your Mama and Papa. I hope you will come and see me again soon.
I have to find out about Popi. I understand you enjoy listening to the story. When your Mom was little, I used to read all the books she read, but then she learned to read faster than I and I stopped doing that.
Is Popi in French? I am learning to speak French and maybe I can read this book.
I hope to talk to you later.
Love Oma

cy.g said...

coucou Nikola ! halluciné de voir comme tu as grandi ! j'ai regardé éberlué et charmé ta vidéo "oh non"...
merci pour ce blog et cet album photos... qui réduit cette distance si grande qui nous sépare... mille bisous.
tonton cy