
Colorful pancakes

This morning, Jaye served yogurt with the home made pancakes. With a twist: food coloring. Orange, green and purple. Here is the result after about 5 minutes.

Jean-Luc le super papa

Comptez donc le nombre d'enfants sur cette photo ... et surtout calculez l'âge moyen !



Julien s'entraine à sourire

Julien sourit maintenant assez souvent. Voici une (longue) vidéo qui montre l'entraînement. :)


Badabula, I need my potty!

Ok. It all started a few days ago, when Jaye asked Nikola what she should say if she needed her potty. Nikola replied "Badabula". Of course, Jaye burst out laughing, and that's how Nikola now says that. The video should be pretty self explanatory.
Now, don't ask why or what or anything!